sweat• support• smile•

our mission

Manna for People Association is a local NGO related to Mana Vida, with the mission to improve the society both physically and spiritually


We thrive for you to to feel alive, active and healthy!


Not just you and your friend! Be an impact in your circle and in the world- Help people you don’t have never met!


Life has its own enough worries. Change your attitude, embrace the difficulties with a smile- there’s always a little light waiting for you!

Our Services


We provide After scholl activities to Educational Entities such as farming, culinary, languages, etc


We seek partnerships to bring health and knowledge to NGO's members and staff. This ranges from fitness, nutrition and team building workshops.


Global Wellness Day is one of the events we've been producing every year. We collaborate with a wide range of local SMEs to bring wellness to the city.

Frequently Asked Questions.

Manna for People Association was officially registered on 8/8/2018. Pretty blessed number hey?!

Check out the Oficial Press from Macau SAR: B.O. n.º: 32, II Série

ManaVida is a Social enterprise- and what do we mean by that? What’s the point of becoming rich and poor on the inside? Get up early, eat, go to work, workout, eat, socialize, sleep and start all over again- that is the normal world routine that we want to break out from. Every action should contribute to a better future not just locally but worldwide! 

As a participant, you redefined yourselves as citizens of the world. Mana Vida applies commercial strategies to maximize improvement in social and environmental well-being. For every profit gained, Mana Vida gives a % to a specific cause that we trust and support.

Locally: With your support, we are able to offer free sessions to missionaries, volunteers and people that cannot afford fitness facilities fees- We might be helping either the person who takes care of your child, the person cleaning up the streets, or a group of people that live in Macau shelters.

Internationally: We seek organizations that we visit and trust to support.

Skills: Manna for People Association seeks the following skills so that the mission can impact more lives:

  • Social Media Manager (we need the young folks to raise their voice and be more active in society!)
  • Volunteer program coordinator (to develop a Volunteer program to be presented to schools for the young generation to work and learn by helping the community.)
  • Events Coordinator (For our annual wellness events)

We continuously discover our purpose in life- hopefully, we can help you discover yours!

Beneficiary Name: Manna for People Association Banco Nacional Ultramarino

Account Number 9016119514


Addreess: Av. Almeida Ribeiro, no. 22, Macau City: Macau;  Swift Code: BNULMOMXXXX

Who we've worked with

From Corporates to NGO’s, if it’s to help, we are in!